
As we have been sharing and brainstorming our idea of an extended vacation we have received varying reactions. In general most people have been receptive. But a fair amount have asked why? Why would you want to spend that much time away (6 weeks)? The short answer is that we like to travel, but there is also a much longer answer.

So here is the the long answer…

When we travel, we make it a goal to experience the culture of the destination as much as possible. This means eating at local joints (no chains!), finding local hang outs, visiting farmers markets, taking public transportation, walking and doing as few “tourist” activities as possible.

We travel because we like taking a break from our daily routines, and enjoy learning about other cultures. If you have visited other countries you probably have a good idea what I mean about culture. But even every city, has it’s own culture. Even subgroups in a city have a culture. If you look carefully you can see it.

As we have done this over our short trips, we have noticed a current theme. And that is, that we just don’t have enough time to really assimilate and experience the unique culture. We have tried longer stays (10+) days but it still seems too short.

The Experiment
So, as a result we determined we should try an extended vacation as a experiment. We originally planned to go 3 months. But we have some important family events, that we simply cannot miss, so we have shorted our experiment it to about 6 weeks.

We have chosen Kauai’s jungle-like north shore as our location. Read more about why Kauai?

As we work out our experiment and solve the daily issues like housing, transportation, budget, cooking and more, we will share them here. Our goal is to document our trials and inspire others to “experiment”.

Do you have any destinations where you have seen culture? Where and how?

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